ABG Technology Benefits

Unlike traditional process technologies, proprietary ABG Technology removes the need for refrigerants. By eliminating related equipment and storage, ABG Technology materially reduces capex cost, while simultaneously increasing output. The opex costs are reduced as well. Finally, these benefits create lower emissions, a smaller land requirement, and increased safety. Together, these compound benefits produce higher revenues and margins for ABG-enabled projects that are more sustainable. Spend less and get more, with ABG Energy Solutions.

ABG Technology can reduce the cost of the liquefaction capex approximately 28%. Since 40% of the project cost is the liquefaction process, that is an average savings of 10% on a liquefaction facility project

Capex reduced 10%

ABG Technology reduces the power consumption per MMBTU of output. These benefits accrue over the life of the facility directly impacting annual revenues
and profitability.

Opex reduced 10%

Spending less, yields more. In addition to lowering capital and operating costs, production is increased 10%. Combining lower costs with higher output, creates a dramatic compound financial impact over the life of the LNG facility.

Output increased 10%


Spending less, yields more. The ABG Technology process configuration lowers the carbon footprint and reduces annual and lifetime power consumption. Sustainability improves from land acquisition, through construction, and continues through facility lifetime operations. Some companies will benefit
from carbon offsets.