ABG Technology

ABG Technology provides break-through, compound financial benefits for liquefaction capital cost, operating cost, production output, revenues, and environmental impact. Together these create a compound return demonstrated by increased revenue and IRR for ABG-enabled projects. Through a suite of products and derivative products, the ABG Technology Platform is a basis for continuous innovation of LNG and hydrogen liquefaction processes.

ABG was asked by a leading rocket company to apply the same ABG Technology benefits to 99% methane LNG liquefaction. Using the ABG Technology Platform, ABG derived the product for use today, with the same cost savings, increased output, and environmental benefits

99% methane LNG

ABG Technology is a family of products for LNG and Hydrogen liquefaction that consistently deliver lower capex costs, lower opex costs, and higher output. Combined, these benefits deliver lower carbon emissions while also delivering higher revenues and returns for owners of liquefaction projects.

Low power Hydrogen liquefaction

ABG Energy's Hydrogen liquefaction reduces power demand by as much as 40% while reducing capex by 20%. Plant capacity can scale from 5,000 tpa to 125,000 tpa with correlated savings. Hydrogen markets will grow dramatically it the next ten years.

LNG & Hydrogen liquefaction products